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Archive: Cape Town to regulate light aircraft


This is an article from 2010 which talks about noise and regulations.

Cape Town to regulate light aircraft over suburbs
THE City of Cape Town is working with the South African Civil Aviation Authority to firm up regulations for helicopters and light aircraft that fly too low above residential suburbs and natural or World Heritage sites.
Without any legislation at its disposal, the city council has up to now been powerless to control the height, routes or types of helicopters and light aircraft flying above the city.
Councillor Owen Kinahan said in a motion to the city's economic development portfolio committee that helicopter "flips" over the southern suburbs generated "tremendously disruptive and invasive noise" that disturbed the peaceful environment of those areas.
Gerrit Mostert, of city health, said helicopter companies had been relying on a noise abatement charter circulated by The Helicopter Association of South Africa, which was found to be "critically flawed". Sections of the document contradicted air traffic regulations and minimum heights for certain areas were not prescribed.
"They have been using this document and flying where they want to," said Mostert.
Kinahan said the city's events and film offices were not being consulted timeously about applications to fly aircraft over the city.
But DA councillor Nikki Holderness said the city's events office should not be responsible for considering flight applications.
"To put in an application to an events office that can't cope with everyday stuff is a waste of time," Holderness said.
The interim "noise abatement circular", being drafted by the council with Air Traffic and Navigation Services, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the Cape Film Commission, National Parks and the Ysterplaat Airbase, will regulate flight activity and restrict any aircraft from flying over Table Mountain.
In terms of the circular, no aircraft can operate within 152m of the lower limit of terminal control areas. Aircraft have to get special permission to fly above the Table Mountain National Park and flight restrictions will apply to any World Heritage site, such as Robben Island, and special nature reserves.
A distance of 2 000m offshore must be maintained with the exception of take off and landing. Helicopters taking short flights from the Waterfront Base must fly coastwise instead of over the southern suburbs.
The only crossing route of the Peninsula from Fish Hoek to Noordhoek will be through Sun Valley and the minimum altitude allowed is 915m or 3 000 feet.
Aircraft must descend into the Waterfront towards the Black River and the container terminal, not in the City Bowl area or close to Table Mountain.
However, these regulations will not apply to the SAPS, military operations, air force training operations and any emergency services flights.
Holderness said it was up to the CAA to apply the circular and enforce the regulations.
Mostert said the CAA had indicated it would enforce the regulations once they were approved by the city and relevant authorities.


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